Your resume is your secret weapon in your job search. 

A clear, targeted,  storytelling resume is your most powerful tool for showing who you are and landing the job you really want.  

If there's one thing in your job search you have to get right, it's your resume.

Like it or not, companies use resumes to screen people out and to select the top choices from their candidate pool.

And if your resume doesn't show them what they're looking for, then you don't get the interview. 

And obviously, no interview means no job.

I mean, how do you expect to get a great job in a competitive market if you aren't ready with a marketing document that gets their attention and makes them want to know more?

Your resume is your representative through the hiring process... it's your first impression and the foundation of your narrative.

Your resume is a two-dimensional version of the three-dimensional you
and is meant to introduce you to people who are making decisions on candidates, and help you start to come to life for them. 

It isn't just a fact sheet or a list of jobs. Its job is to influence them to see you as possibly the one they are looking for, so they move you to the next step. To make them want to talk to you.

In a competitive hiring market, you need to do anything you can to stand out... and the most powerful way to do that is by getting a strong and convincing narrative in front of the right decision-makers

As a job seeker, your power lies in controlling your personal branding and the story you tell. 

And that means taking control of how you want to tell your story in your resume, your LinkedIn profile, and in conversations.

You are in charge of how you present yourself. You get to decide how you describe yourself and what you have done and are able to do.

You decide the stories you tell and the examples you give, and the language you use to make your professional brand come alive.

And that all affects how people are going to see you, the picture they are building of you in their mind.

Your resume is your story, told the way you want to tell it, with you controlling the narrative.

And that's why your resume is your most powerful tool in your job search.

I witness that power every day as I create custom, high-impact, readable resumes with a clear story and branding for my clients, who are all ambitious people who need to be noticed in order to get where they want to go.

If there is one thing in your job search you have to get right, it's your resume.

Companies use resumes to screen people out, and if your resume doesn't show them what they need, then you don't get the interview. And obviously, if there is no interview, there will be no offer and no job.

I mean, how do you expect to get a great job in a competitive market if you aren't ready with a marketing document that presents you as someone they need to talk to

Your resume is how you define yourself. And you control the message.

In a job search, the company drives the process to get the information they want. They control the job posting, the job description and requirements, the structure and questions in the interview, the timing and the ultimate hiring choice. 

And candidates are just expected to comply and accommodate and be chosen (or not). No wonder people burn out and get  discouraged. 

But as a job seeker, you are not powerless.

You have control over your personal branding, how you talk about yourself and what you do. You control how you present yourself in your resume and in your LinkedIn. 


It's your story, told the way you choose to tell it, and targeted to the job you want. That's powerful.

I witness that power every day as I create custom, high-impact, readable resumes with a clear story and branding for my clients, who are all ambitious people who need to be noticed in order to get where they want to go.

A confident resume helps you stand out from the crowd from the start.

A confident resume helps you stand out from the crowd from the start.

Your resume is your opportunity to tell the world who you are and what you can do, what you have done and what you want to do. 
It's your first impression and influences the image people begin to form of you.
And it lays out your talking points  and stories for interviews, which is a confidence builder because it gives you a clear and strong narrative
The right resume can transform your job search.

Your resume is your opportunity to tell the world who you are and what you can do, have done and want to do.

It's your first impression and how it looks and reads influences how people see you.

And it's a confidence builder because it gives you a clear and strong narrative, while it also lays out your talking points for interviews.

It's a gamechanger.

I work with people one-on-one to transform their resume and professional narrative so they're prepared to go after the jobs they want.


One of my mottos is "How you do anything is how you do everything" which has proven to be true time and again as I support people in their job searches.

My years as a recruiter and job search coach taught me that top performers are serious about how they present themselves. 

Hiring managers know that, too. 

The best candidates usually have the best resumes because they have high standards and are committed to having their resume be a true representation of what they're about.

And I also learned that many highly qualified and ambitious people want their professional collateral to represent them authentically, but they just don't know how to go about it.

And they don't understand how important it is, so they try to do it themselves, or they just revamp that old resume every time, and it isn't working.

That's where I can help. 

Together, we can create a bulls-eye "100% you" resume you can easily tailor for each job you apply to, so you can hit the target every time.

One of the key ingredients of applying to fewer jobs but getting more interviews is tailoring your resume to that specific role... creating a bulls-eye resume. Every single time.

Does that take some time and effort? Well, yes it does.

Is it worth it? Absolutely.

I can't even tell you how much difference it makes to have your resume working for you from the start

Remember, if you don't get the interview, you can't get the job. 

In the process of creating a modern, storytelling resume with me, you will revisit your career evolution, see your turning points and contributions and victories (a.k.a. accomplishments), see the patterns, and craft how you talk about yourself and your career in a way that captures your experience, potential and personality.

That's why a targeted, 100% you, resume with a strong and engaging story, that you can easily tailor for specific jobs you want to go after, is a critical element in your job search (and one of the best investments you can make in yourself).

The reality is that most resumes are ordinary and aren't doing their job, and that likely includes yours, too.


In fact, I’d say that 90% of the people I talk to who are stalled or stuck in a job search have an issue with their resume...'s too long, too short, too formal, too casual, too old-fashioned, unreadable by software, too technical or not technical enough, missing information, or it's written in generic stilted resume-speak that's difficult for readers to understand quickly.

There are so very many ways resumes can go wrong.

If you're not getting any traction
from applications for jobs you are qualified for, most of the time, your resume is a big piece of the problem.

And once you fix that, it changes everything, including how you interview and talk about yourself with confidence and clarity.

The reality is that most resumes are ordinary and aren't doing their job, and that likely includes yours, too.


In fact, I’d say that 90% of the people I talk to who are stalled or stuck in a job search have an issue with their resume...'s too long, too short, too formal, too casual, too old-fashionedunreadable by software, too technical or not technical enough, missing information, or it's written in generic stilted resume-speak that's difficult for readers to understand quickly.

There are so very many ways resumes can go wrong.

If you're not getting any traction
 from applications for jobs you are qualified for, most of the time, your resume is a big piece of the problem.

And once you fix that, it changes everything, including how you interview and talk about yourself with confidence and clarity.

How do you know if you need a resume transformation?

Your resume is likely the problem if…

Placeholder Image're not getting interviews.

Your resume has one primary job: to get the interview. If you are applying for jobs you are truly qualified for and don’t hear back, or if it seems like your resume is going into the "black hole" without even so much as an acknowledgement, that means your resume is not doing its job, and it's probably time for an overhaul and a fresh start.'s too long, boring, bogged down in technical-speak and buzzwords, confusing or ugly.

A resume isn't just a list of data; it’s a brochure about you that markets you to the world the way you want to be seen. It should be as awesome as you are, 100% you. Don't settle for boring or confusing. Make it feel engaging.

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…you absolutely have to stand out in a highly competitive job market.

The more competition for the job, the more important it is that your resume makes you stand out and rise to the top. This goes double if you don't have the personal contacts to bypass recruiters or get referrals.’ve been using the same tired format for years (maybe since business school). 

Like everything, resumes evolve and modern resumes are very different than the old-fashioned resume format they gave you in college. Using your old-school format makes you look out of step, so it’s important your resume evolves, or you will look old-fashioned, too.

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…you’re looking at jobs that are different or next level.

Positioning yourself for a promotion or a new level or field will require different language and focus in how you tell your story so it makes sense and people feel confident that you are ready to uplevel. 

…you’re making a career pivot and need to tell a convincing story about why you're ready.

Are you making a bold move from law into nonprofit? From education into software training? You need a targeted resume with a strong story that establishes your qualifications and commitment so they see you as a strong candidate for a job you haven't done yet.

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…you know that designing critical job search materials is just not your strength. 

Resumes are complicated and require a wide skill set. When I work with you on your resume, my decades in hiring and candidate selection, job search strategy, marketing, writing and document design all combine to let me create the resume and LinkedIn profile for you that can transform your job search and give you a new sense of confidence.

How do you know if you need a resume transformation?

Your resume is likely the problem if…

Placeholder Image're not getting interviews.

Your resume has one primary job: to get the interview. If you are applying for jobs you are truly qualified for and don’t hear back, or if it seems like your resume is going into the "black hole" without even so much as an acknowledgement, that means your resume is not doing its job, and it's probably time for an overhaul and a fresh start.

Placeholder Image's too long, boring, bogged down in technical-speak and buzzwords, confusing or ugly.

A resume isn't just a list of data; it’s a brochure about you that markets you to the world the way you want to be seen. It should be as awesome as you are, 100% you. Don't settle for boring or confusing. Make it feel engaging.

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…you absolutely have to stand out in a highly competitive job market.

The more competition for the job, the more important it is that your resume makes you stand out and rise to the top. This goes double if you don't have the personal contacts to bypass recruiters or get referrals.

Placeholder Image’ve been using the same tired format for years (maybe since business school). 

Like everything, resumes evolve and modern resumes are very different than the old-fashioned resume format they gave you in college. Using your old-school format makes you look out of step, so it’s important your resume evolves, or you will look old-fashioned, too.

Placeholder Image

…you’re looking at jobs that are different or next level.

Positioning yourself for a promotion or a new level or field will require different language and focus in how you tell your story so it makes sense and people feel confident that you are ready to uplevel. 

Placeholder Image

…you’re making a career pivot and need to tell a convincing story about why you're ready.

Are you making a bold move from law into nonprofit? From education into software training? You need a targeted resume with a strong story that establishes your qualifications and commitment so they see you as a strong candidate for a job you haven't done yet.

Placeholder Image

…you know that designing critical job search materials is just not your strength. 

Resumes are complicated and require a wide skill set. When I work with you on your resume, my decades in hiring and candidate selection, job search strategy, marketing, writing and document design all combine to let me create the resume and LinkedIn profile for you that can transform your job search and give you a new sense of confidence.

Luckily, it's not that hard to stand out from the crowd.

What makes a resume stand out?


I say a great resume captures the real you and tells your story easily, smoothly and confidently. 

✔  It lays out a clear, understandable and engaging story about you, in the context of your career.

✔  It serves as your introduction to people who make decisions in your job search, and establishes the beginning of your human-to-human connection.

  It acts as a two-dimensional representation of the three-dimensional human being you, and brings alive what you can do and have done for others.

  It encapsulates the highlights of your career story so far in descriptive, streamlined language that can actually be scanned and easily understood.

  Instead of tedious lists of dry bullets and corporate-speak, there are snippets of stories in natural language about the things you've done that show the value you bring and make you come alive.

  It offers insight into your personality and work style and what you'd be like on the team.

  It's well formatted so readers can scan quickly for key information and to see what you know, what you can do, and what you're like as a person.

  And it gives everyone who sees it (including the dreaded ATS computer screening software and the final decisionmaker) the information they're looking for and makes them want to know more.

  And as a huge bonus, at the same time, it sets the stage for its important secondary job, which is to introduce your stories about your accomplishments, the problems solved, customers helped, people managed, systems designed, and value brought, which become your talking points for interviews.

Resumes are an art, not a science.

To me, creating a resume is like painting a portrait. 

Many of my clients are surprised when they see the results of their input and our conversations translated into a resume that feels 100% like them on the page. 

A resume that tells their story in a clear way as it simplifies and amplifies their experience. And in their own natural, understandable language! 

Most ordinary dry corporate resumes strip out the humanity of the person being described, the 3D human behind the 2D page.

No one likes these kinds of resumes. 

That's why the resumes I create capture the feeling of the real-live person, in a more multi-faceted way than old-school, facts-only,  impersonal resumes.

A client once told me she got the interview she wanted, and the first thing the interviewer said was, "From your resume, I feel like I know you already!"

Imagine that! Her resume introduced her so well that the recruiter felt they'd already had a conversation. 

Does  your resume feel like it represents the real you?

Working with me is all about the process.

Many of my clients refer their colleagues, friends and family to me, with a word of caution: 

"It will take some work and take some time, but it's worth it. Just trust the process." 

They're right. The process is what helps us create a great resume together.  

And the process is also what allows you to transform into a more focused and more confident version of yourself. 

For your part, you will need to dedicate time to thoughtfully completing my forms to get your work history and its context out of your head and into words. 

And you'll need to set aside time for several long phone conversations.

• A Resume Launch call to review and clarify what you shared in your forms as I gather stories and understand your background. 

• A Resume Review call after the first draft to refine and strengthen it together. 

• A 90+ minute Job Search Strategy call when it's all complete, to review your next steps, answer any questions, and help you move forward with a plan.

This attention and preparation is what creates a powerful storytelling marketing document that opens doors. 

Equally important, it prepares you to tell your story. 

If we work together, you can count on me to be transparent, always on your side, honest and generous with all I can share, fun to work with, and rooting you on to success the whole way. 

Below, you'll find information about my rates and packages, along with an FAQ section with a lot more information and details about my approach and the process. 

Check it out and if you think working with me would make a difference for you, use the button to book a short one-on-one call to talk about it. 

Working with me is all about the process.

Many of my clients refer their colleagues, friends and family to me, with a word of caution: 

"It will take some work and take some time, but it's worth it. Just trust the process." 

They're right. The process is what helps us create a great resume together.  

And the process is also what allows you to transform into a more focused and more confident version of yourself. 

For your part, you will need to dedicate time to thoughtfully completing my forms to get your work history and its context out of your head and into words. 

And you'll need to set aside time for several long phone conversations.

• A Resume Launch call to review and clarify what you shared in your forms as I gather stories and understand your background. 

• A Resume Review call after the first draft to refine and strengthen it together. 

• A 90+ minute Job Search Strategy call when it's all complete, to review your next steps, answer any questions, and help you move forward with a plan.

This attention and preparation is what creates a powerful storytelling marketing document that opens doors. 

Equally important, it prepares you to tell your story. 

If we work together, you can count on me to be transparent, always on your side, honest and generous with all I can share, fun to work with, and rooting you on to success the whole way. 

Below, you'll find information about my rates and packages, along with an FAQ section with a lot more information and details about my approach and the process. 

Check it out and if you think working with me would make a difference for you, use the button to book a short one-on-one call to talk about it. 

Senior Executive Package

$ 3,150

C-Level and Senior Executives

  • Custom Senior Executive Resume co-created to target your next move
  • Executive LinkedIn Profile with personalized recommendations to improve your visibility
  • Resume Launch Call (2+ hours) to review your forms together and gather more information on you and your story 
  • Resume Draft Review Call (90+ minutes) to review, edit and refine your resume
  • 3 written edit rounds 
  • Ongoing email support
  • Post-completion Job Search Strategy 1-on-1 session (90+ minutes) ($375 value)
  • Access to the Job Search Crash Course + Private Facebook Group ($397 value)
  • My Good-Enough Cover Letter Guide and 101 Job Search Secrets ebooks
  • Video and written trainings on working with your resume to tailor it easily
  • Optional Add-On:  Corporate or Board bio

Senior Manager Package

$ 2,450

Senior Managers of People or Functions

  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit

Technical, Finance, Data, Professionals Package

$ 1,950

Technology, Science, Biotech, Finance, Data

  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit

Career Growth Package

$ 1,550

Early-to-Mid Career, and Non-Profit or Education

  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
  • Excepteur sint occaecat velit
Interested? Click here for more information and to schedule a call.
Interested? Click here for more information and to schedule a call.

Resume Service Packages & Extras 

Every Package includes:

Resume Project Investment

All resume projects include custom resume, LinkedIn profile, written and video training, a one-on-one Job Search Strategy Session with me, along with complete access to the Job Search Crash Course and its private Facebook group, and more guides and resources. 
Learn more and book a short call with me.

Excerpts from a few of my LinkedIn recommendations:

Resume Service Packages & Extras 

Every package includes:

 Custom 100% You Resume co-created with me to tell your career story powerfully and target your next move

  • Begins with in-depth Resume Launch Call (2+ hours) to review your forms and ask questions to understand your story
  • In-depth Resume Draft Review Call (90+ mins) to review, edit and refine the first draft of your resume and answer questions
  • Written edit rounds to refine and proof and get it right
  • Ongoing email support for questions and troubleshooting

 Confident LinkedIn Profile with personalized recommendations to improve your visibility and uplevel your professional brand

 Written and Video Training on tailoring and revising your resume for target jobs and setting up your LinkedIn profile

✔ One-on-One Job Search Strategy Session with me when your materials are done  (90+ mins) ($375 value)

✔ Full access to my Job Search Crash Course and Private Facebook Group with ongoing new ideas and support ($397 value)

✔ My Good-Enough Cover Letter Guide and 101 Job Search Secrets ebooks + more!

Package Prices

Senior Executives | $3,150
C-Level, VP, Heads and Senior Executives 
Define your perspective and management philosophy and outline your career milestones and accomplishments
Senior Professionals | $2,650
Senior Professionals and Senior Managers of People and/or Functions
Highlight your career evolution and readiness for what’s next in the confident voice of a leader

Technical, Finance, Data, Law, Scientists and Specialists | $2,150

Technology, Science, Biotech, Data, Law, Accounting
Present your specialized accomplishments in a story that educates and simplifies your expertise for your audiences

Professionals & Career Climbers | $1,750

Mid-Career Professionals with Ambitions
Outline the story of your career path and milestones so far and highlight your focus and qualifications for the next step

Career Growth | $1,150

Early Career up to 5 years experience
Get off on the right foot with your professional brand and story
*Hybrid or custom quotes are sometimes needed 


Add-On Any Time: Additional Coaching Sessions 
Optional Extra: Corporate or Board Bio 
Special Request? Just ask. 
Get more information and schedule a short one-on-one call with me.

Resume Services FAQs

You've got questions, I've got answers. Here are some of the common questions I get, and if there is something you'd like to know, please ask and I'll try to answer directly.